Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Honoring the Beauty within You

Note: This is an example of my Magical Muse-ical Listening. A dear friend is having trouble talking nice about herself. I woke up this morning with this conversation in my head.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Let it be known that we are gathering for a
Loving Meeting with Our Creator
Before the Final Meeting with the Creator at the Pearly Gates.
This loving intervention is for Our Daughter of the Universe, Deborah Spring.

God: Deborah, are you here?
Deborah: (Looking at the ground.) Yes, Inspirer of Beauty, I am here.
God: Beloved, Deborah, look up. Let your face gaze upon my face.

Deborah slowly raises her face and opens her eyes.
God: Do you see and feel in every cell of your body the Love and glory in my face.
Deborah: (Tears streaming down her face) Yes, Beloved Creator of Beauty, I am bathed in the Cosmic Love that nourishes the Universe.

God: Good. Now look carefully. do you see your face in my face?
Deborah: (Sobbing now) I do! I do see my face in your face. I'm there! I'm part of You!
God: Yes, Deborah, you are a part of everything that is holy. You are an Instrument of Love for Beauty on Earth.
Deborah: (Radiant, fully accepting the Truth.)

God: Deborah, Vicki has brought it to my attention that you sometimes say mean things about yourself. Is this true, my Daughter?
Deborah: (Crying again.) Yes, it is true. sometimes I feel so unworthy. I feel I have failed you and failed myself.
God: Deborah, have you ever heard "What you do to the least of me, you do to me as well"?
Deborah: Yes, I have heard that many times.
God: when you are cruel to yourself, you are spitting in my face, which is your face as well.

(Deborah has fallen to her knees now, sobbing.)

God: Rise up, Beloved Daughter. Rise up and promise me that you will Honor the Beauty that is within you and never speak badly of yourself ever again.
Deborah: (Face beaming now.) I promise. I promise to honor the Beauty within me. I do not promise to be perfect. I may slip and be mean to myself again.
God: Yes, you are only human, after all.
Deborah: But I promise I will listen for my dishonoring talk and I will correct myself and love myself when I speak or think ill of myself.

God: And remember not to be ashamed for failing to love yourself all the time. You will blow it. You can count on it. Just shake it off and step back in your Glory, the Glory that your are by Divine Right.
Deborah: I promise. From this day forward I will honor that I am on a Cosmic Learning Curve. I will get a little better every day. I promise.
God: You please me, Beloved Daughter, but you have always pleased me. go in peace and love now. I have other fish to fry.
Deborah: Thank you, thank you so much. I'm going to honor the beauty in me from now on.

Here Ye, Hear Ye!
Here ends our
Loving Meeting with Our Creator
Before the Final Meeting with the Creator at the Pearly Gates.

We will be back!

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